Rotary Scholarships

Empowering brilliance, fueling academic journeys, bridging gaps, sparking global impact & defining the future young leaders.

Rotary Youth Exchange

Embracing cultures, forging friendships, stepping out of comfort zones, building bridges of understanding, one young explorer at a time.

New Generation Exchange

Skills in hand, young professionals connecting across borders, forging pathways through service, shaping tomorrow's leaders.

Rotary Youth Leadership awards

Unleashing leadership within, empowering problem solvers, transforming communities, shaping the future.

Rotary Youth: Changemakers in the making

Connect with diverse communities and learn from different ways of life. Challenge your beliefs and build lifelong friendships across borders. Become a citizen of the world and advocate for understanding and peace.

Ignite your passion

Find your hidden spark, light up the world with your unique talents. Dive into new experiences, discover what sets your soul on fire.

Become a citizen of the world

Learn from diverse perspectives, celebrate shared humanity.Become an ambassador of peace, championing intercultural dialogue.

Live & Explore Nepal

The opportunity of life time awaits you.

Create a base for future education and career goals. Add to your life in so many other ways!

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We are optimists who love to work together!

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John Doe
John Doe
Jenny Doe
Jenny Doe
Sanny Warth
Sanny Warth

our recent blog

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Getting ready for the Marketing revolution.

Getting ready for the Marketing revolution.

Sagittis! Nam aliquet habitant nemo enim assumenda lectus…
by | January 7, 2021
Planning business goals with a specialist.

Planning business goals with a specialist.

Quas praesent repudiandae arcu hymenaeos sunt, laborum excepturi…
by | January 7, 2021
Create your own Business Strategy for Growth

Create your own Business Strategy for Growth

Quos placeat nam duis, vivamus sint massa tempus…
by | January 7, 2021

want to getting start. join us!!

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